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Cantwell Urges Colleagues to Vote Against Legislation Authorizing Keystone XL Pipeline
Cantwell Votes Against Bill to Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline
Cantwell Floor Debate on Keystone XL Pipeline
Cantwell on Keystone and Need for Increased Oil Pipeline Saftey
Cantwell Offers Amendment to Ensure Safety/Environmental Conditions for Keystone XL Pipeline
Cantwell to Oppose Pai Renomination to FCC, Cites Pai’s Efforts to Rollback Net Neutrality
Cantwell Urges USDOT to Move 'Faster' on Oil Train Safety Rules
Cantwell Comments on Opioid Legislation After Senate Passage
Senator Cantwell's Senate Floor Speech on the Export-Import Bank
Cantwell Takes Senate Floor to Defend Vulnerable Americans from Trumpcare Bill
Cantwell: Rep. Tom Price Will Take an Ax to Healthcare
Cantwell Speaks on the Senate Floor to Oppose the Senate Republican Health Care Bill